Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cops seize pot worth $80K; 4 arrested and are apparent illegals - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

Sounds like we desperately need a law like the one just passed in Arizona, so we can start rounding up these criminals who have no right to even be in this country!

Legal American Citizen said...

All states should pass that law...Makes me wonder of Obama has relatives living in the U.S. who are illegal residents.

Anonymous said...


WE stand against illegal immigration.

WE stand against the Federal government's refusal to secure the borders or enforce the law.

WE support Arizona's lone, brave fight to enforce the rule of law with their new legislation that enjoyed broad, bi-partisan support.

WE reject any slander or aspersions against the People of the state of Arizona, that this law is about racism, or xenophobia, or "apartheid", rather than the truth: Arizona is doing the job the Feds won’t do — taking the law and our borders seriously to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens first.

WE reject and refuse to participate in any boycott of the great State of Arizona.

WE will do everything WE can to support the people and economy of the State of Arizona, by supporting its companies and products, and to visit its incomparable natural attractions.

WE call on the United States government to start doing its job according to the Constitution: Secure the Borders, Enforce the immigrations laws, Protect its citizens.

Anonymous said...

Stop Stop Stop!! We must protect their illegal and unfounded civil rights. It is immigration like this that has made our country great. Plus the democrats need people like this to vote them. It doesn't matter that if they vote it is done illegally just that their vote is counted. Honest and good non-citizens like this make this a great state and country, just listen to our great leaders say so.

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