Monday, April 12, 2010

Democratic Party Image Drops to Record Low


Anonymous said...

lower than whale droppings would be accurate.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the local party under the leadership of little mack.

Anonymous said...

This probably could be said of the U.S.A., under OBAMA!

Anonymous said...

The USA is becoming a 3rd world nation under Obama. He is destroying this country and the greatness it once stood for.

Anonymous said...

If communism is as wonderful as the Democrats portray it to be, then why do the general populations of communist countries need to be held captive by their dictators? Remember East Germany, Russia, Cuba, etc?

Anonymous said...

I suspect this is happening right here in New Britain. :(

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it is NEW BRITAIN!

Anonymous said...

...especially at the hands of the radicals who have hijacked the party.

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the working people as they push to ram through radical measures that will ultimately break the backs of every working taxpayer in America.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Obama will never enjoy as high an approval rating as George W. Bush enjoyed. To date, Obama has never been as popular as Bush was.

Anonymous said...

It is almost as if Obama does not want a second term. He has alienated everyone with a brain. His supporters are either people with their hands out or far left socialists.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
It is almost as if Obama does not want a second term. He has alienated everyone with a brain. His supporters are either people with their hands out or far left socialists.

I believe that by 2012 Obama plans to declare himself "President for Life" just like his close friend Chavez recently did. He certainly is operating like there will never be another election, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

This is really scary.

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