Saturday, May 29, 2010

CHRIS POWELL: Are state colleges UTC Divisions now? - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

This sounds like the same "my way or the highway" attitude Carter was know for when he was at Eastern. Is anyone surprised that after he forced out the Southern President, he replaced her with one of his Eastern cronies?

Now we are paying 2 $300,000 salaries.

There needs to be an investigation, and if the board won't cooperate, maybe the Governor should replace all 14 members, and the Chancellor too!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Governor Rell isn't looking into this situation. One article I read even said the Governor has been amazingly silent on this entire mess. Why is this Carter guy being allowed to apparently run roughshod over the former university president and the board, the way the news reports are describing?

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