Monday, May 24, 2010

CPOA Quarterly Meeting:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

7PM – 8PM

Room 201, New Britain City Hall

State Representative John Geragosian

Representative Geragosian (D- New Britain), Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, has agreed to speak to CPOA members about the State of Connecticut budget and how it impacts taxpayers of the City of New Britain.

This is CPOA’s first quarterly meeting featuring a guest speaker. Please come and hear how the State’s actions affect New Britain and ask Representative Geragosian pertinent questions about items like property taxes, unfounded mandates, etc.

We request those CPOA members with email addresses kindly alert us to them in order we communicate with you in a timely manner. Email CPOANB@GMAIL.COM and put your name on the subject line to register for our email alerts.

2010 DUES:

Please email your $10 if you have (not already) to PO Box 2312, New Britain, CT 06050. Thank You.
CPOA, Inc. Post Office Box 2312, New Britain, CT 06050
mail to: web site:

1 comment:

CPOA member said...

All New Britain property owners should attend this is a worthwhile organization, keeing the public informed on tax issues.

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