Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HuffPo Touts CNN’s “Major Ratings Victories” Last Week; Really? - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com


Anonymous said...

Then why is CNN lowering their advertising rates at the same time that Glenn Beck for all of last week had the most watched news program in America!

Apparently Glenn Beck is the news show more Americans watch than any other!

Anonymous said...

If you add up all the viewers on all the other cable networks (including the lunatic liberal radical networks) Glenn Beck still has more than twice the total viewers of all the other networks combined!

Glenn Beck is the new leader in news in the entire nation!

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck – 2,354,000 viewers (648,000) (1,083,000)
Situation Room—620,000 viewers (172,000) (225,000)
Hardball w/ C. Matthews – 677,000 viewers (182,000) (274,000)
Fast Money – 304,000 viewers (84,000) (132,000)
Showbiz Tonight —230,000 viewers (92,000) (112,000)

Web Tracking
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