Saturday, May 29, 2010

NEW BRITAIN: School System Hires Production Company To Create Videos Promoting New Britain Schools: The Courant


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, we are paying with our tax dollars for a production company to produce commercials to entice students to attend our public schools for free (at taxpayer expense)?

What sense does any of this make?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't the money they are wasting on these videos fund some of the teacher's salaries that are being eliminated? I am surprised the union hasn't jump on this one to save some of their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't surprise me at all. Doris and her wasteful spending again. Threatening to layoff 200 teachers and producing videos and magazines at everyone's expense.

This needs to change starting at the state level so we can have direct oversight of the school budget process.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we be encouraging more students to leave. Doesn't that mean we actually need less teachers, so we save money for every student that goes out of town.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the voters should be required to approve the school budget. Look how many times the citizenry has rejected the city budget here in Plainville, and still they don't get it. The people are fed up with paying for all this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Doris is spending taxpayer money to protect union jobs at the peril of the taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you didn't have teachers who hang around town bragging about how they refuse to lift a finger to help a student and can never be fired because they have tenure, the schools might not have to entice students to want to attend. This same teacher laughs at the layoffs because she says she can never be laid off because she has seniority, so she couldn't care less how many are laid off.
This is what you have teaching your children.

The Thorn said...

Glenn Beck did an entire one hour show recently dedicated to explaining how there is absolutely no correlation between the amount of money spent on a school system and school performance. The evidence actually proved the opposite. Some of the poorest schools in the nation have some of the highest test scores.

The conclusion was that the "throw more money at it" approach was just hype generated by support for more union positions and higher wages, but in reality some of the best schools turned out to be non-union and some of the lowest paid teachers in the country.

After seeing what Glenn Beck had to offer (I'm sure this information can be found in his archives on I believe the better approach for New Britain would be to start finding ways to hold teachers accountable for their performance.

Lou Salvio said...

"The Thorn said...
Glenn Beck did an entire one hour show recently dedicated to explaining how there is absolutely no correlation between the amount of money spent on a school system and school performance. The evidence actually proved the opposite. Some of the poorest schools in the nation have some of the highest test scores.

The conclusion was that the "throw more money at it" approach was just hype generated by support for more union positions and higher wages, but in reality some of the best schools turned out to be non-union and some of the lowest paid teachers in the country.

After seeing what Glenn Beck had to offer (I'm sure this information can be found in his archives on I believe the better approach for New Britain would be to start finding ways to hold teachers accountable for their performance.

May 31, 2010 12:32 PM"

To: The Thorn. First of all, Thank you for that reminder.

I saw that program - I am a Glen Beck fan. Also, I have posted on this blog and as a letter to the editor, my feelings on accountability in poor performimg school systems. In most cases of poor performing public schools, I believe there is a direct correlation between overall performance of students on standardized tests and the lack of a quality program of supervision of classroom instruction that is designed to improve instruction, etc.

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