Wednesday, May 26, 2010

--- Quotable


Anonymous said...

"The Pulitzer Prize for fiction was handed out today, given to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal for his Vietnam war memoir. Turns out he has no war record at all. In fact, only combat experience? Shooting himself in the foot."

— Comedian Jay Leno

I wonder how proud Democrats are that their candidate continues to be the laughing stock of the entire nation. Think these zealots care?

Anonymous said...

I was going to say he is the butt of Leno's jokes, but I could probably stop at he is a butt.

Anonymous said...

Dumbocrats must be proud to be running such a buffoon for the Senate!

Anonymous said...

Jay Leno must be laughing his butt off at the ridiculous voters in this state, that would support a low life with no character like this lying fool.

Anonymous said...

Jay Leno must be laughing his butt off at the ridiculous voters in this state, that would support a low life with no character like this lying fool.

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