Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CPOA President speaks out!


Mr. Michael Wanuk spoke before the common council as the President of the CPOA by thanking the council members for the many hours they have to spend in serving the community as Aldermen & Alderwomen adding; we must bring sanity to our budget. We must be creative with a fiscal responsible posture.

As for the Board of Education Jobs I do not believe that speaker after speaker that are here presenting the Board of Education propaganda as to class size and loss of teachers. I cannot reconcile the board of education and the Superintendant of the Board for turning down the federal dollars. With the acceptance of these federal funds it would have mandated the removal of administrators from three schools. The school population is getting smaller and we have a shortage of funds but yet we need more money?

Our good students are leaving so make a movie to help them to want to come back into the system how much did that cost?

The superintendant and her staff have not made the necessary reasonable controls to make a good return for our tax dollars but utilized scare tactics to create an uproar and get support for more money.

The Board of Education needs to become more responsible and fiscally responsible for our community. They also need to manage better, then they have in the past, before they get more tax dollars of which some percentage is wasted.

Too little is being done for us by our state legislatures which the CPOA will be addressing in the future.

I agree with what Mr. Cliff Parker said earlier, accountability, compromise, and wise decisions.


Anonymous said...

Just working inside of a Public School is why I have come up with the mindset that the problem isn't the people but it is the Unions who keep on going about $$.

Anonymous said...

Wanik was one of the least effective speakers. He toned down his conservative message to not offend all the so called education advocates.

He sounded like everyone else speaking because he was too scared of sounding like a anti-tax wingnut.

We need to figure out how to hack these socialist extremists and not be afraid to look like who we really are: REVOLUTIONISTS!!!

Mike W- CPOA said...

Whoever you are Mr Anonymous; you were offered the ability to speak but apparently didn't. Maybe you should of based on your comments; right or wrong. As far as my message, I don't think I could have stated "Management Failure" louder and clearer. I gave examples of not being able as taxpayers to reconcile the facts against the numbers. I did state Iappreciated conversation that has occurred on the Council this year, however most of the majority were already committed to voting as they would and did. My goal with the CPOA is move towards voter scrutiny of the BoE as well as the State Legislature next election and the demand for a funding from those levels that give us numerous unfunded mandates. For the record, I am not "against taxes"; but am for effective, reasonable spending with a benefit to those who actually pay the bills here. I'm happy to speak with you and enlist your help in getting to where we all want to. This is a process; not a one night stand and some parents need reducation from Kurtz' brainwashing. And by the way, I am education advocate- I just can't believe school management's representations and out of control spending. The school system is broke; but we still need a system that moves people up and off the streets; otherwise we pay for them in different budgets for the rest of their (and our) lives. Thanks. Mike W.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mike. Those who support fiscal oversight and fiscal conservatism are afraid to stand up and push back. Why, the socialist "giveaway the money that grows on some un-known tree people" have a strangle hold on our government at the local, state, and federal levels.

It takes a revolution. It happened before and needs to happen again. History always repeats itself and so we should all be excited for a "Reagan Style Revolution".

If you would like to be apart of the re-birth of the American Government and fiscal conservatism, the NBRTC will have a booth at the Pope John Paul Bazaar, stop by and sign up to work for change together.

Sally Eigenraam

Mike W- CPOA said...

Thanks Sally.

We agree on where we both want to end up; but you won't change the minds of the "D" Council by revolting on an issue such as this. I'm not afraid to challenge them and I do so-; my goal was to get some press about the lack of management and meaningful metrics. I feel you must educate the people as to what their children are looking at in the future and influence them to change the seats at the decision table. (The Mayor proposes and the Council disposes). Until in NB we change those seats, you can revolt all you want but will still have your checkbook out.- Mike

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