Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Democratic Resolve!!!!



The Mayor has been putting up with their nonsense and now they are picking on Dwight.


Dwight said...

Frank, every reasonable person has to admit that the status quo is unsustainable. We’ve engaged in the policies of liberal Democrats for decades and where has that gotten us? We’ve had increasing poverty, our most vulnerable residents are growing more dependent; not more empowered, we are developing an ever expanding net of social services programs, we have a more expensive and less effective school system, we’ve overburdened the middle class, unions hold more sway than residents, and we’ve been losing, not creating jobs.

The membership of the New Britain Republican Town Committee ( and the candidates we endorse are committed to being change agents. We are going confront and speak the truth to those in power and we are going to strive to give voice to the taxpayers of this city. We understand that a small group of individuals who currently benefit from our broken system don’t want change. They are desperate to maintain their fleeting power. They are going denigrate us, attack our character and our families. They are going to spread rumors and innuendo and attempt to make voters fear us. That’s their tactic – do whatever is necessary to avoid talking about the issues. It’s worked in the past and they’re hoping it’ll work again. It’s just politics as usual for them. Sadly, we understand and have come to expect this behavior.

But that is not our focus. The New Britain Republican Town Committee has a growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats and Republicans who support our agenda, and we are all very excited about that. Expanding and energizing our supporters and talking about the issues are our main priorities. If we keep our eyes on the prize and not allow ourselves to be distracted, our candidates and Connecticut taxpayers will be winners in November.



Anonymous said...

it appears they are just a bunch of racist bigots!

Anonymous said...

Please visit the New Britain RTC at and sign up for our e-mail alerts.

The Thorn said...

The expanding net of social dependence you refer to is an intended consequence of the liberal Democratic agenda.

They intentional keep people down by making them dependent on socialist programs to survive and then scare them into believing that without the Democrats in power, they risk the loss of the socialist programs they have grown to depend on. The Democrats purposely will never let a person get out from under their thumb of control, because they need to count on this poor dependent class that they purposely created in order to get reelected.

Unfortunately I forget the gentleman's name, but Fox News recently had a black conservative professor on their network explaining how the only minorities who ever escape from this effort to keep them down are the ones who reject the Democrats and become conservatives. He named a long list of very successful black and Latino businessmen, and not one of them was a Democrat, but they all had one thing in common: the fact that they were all very rich and very successful because they rejected the Democrats and their attempt to control every aspect of our lives.

Anonymous said...

What is the Democratic resolve, to get arrested pursuing your radical agenda?

Anonymous said...

The democrats earn their living controlling others and appealing for tax dollars. While they claim to be helping the poor and caring for the needy they have created jobs for themselves and their friends and family off of the system. This system is easier than working for themselves or for the private sector. They ride the tax wave. Most of them do pretty good too, these jobs come with contracts and perks and benefits.
What incentive do these moochers have to get the poor off the food line? None, they would be out of work themselves.

You won't find any of them shopping in downtown NB at the local grocery store either around first of the month. Have you seen any of them on West Main St. or Columbus Blvd shopping for food? I doubt it.

I was there today, Columbus Blvd. I'm happy to report that the cities youth are now fed again. Carts were full, lines were long.
Junk food provided by you and me.
The young single man in front of me
got all of his food on a food card?
He had a fancy cell phone that kept ringing in the line, nice clothes and I bought him his food!
What incentive is there to get off of the system?, none.

I've never bumped into Phil or Mike, Don or Tim out shopping in New Britain? Have you?

Anonymous said...

I've never bumped into Phil or Mike, Don or Tim out shopping in New Britain? Have you?

Maybe they all shop at WalMart, and thanks to the efforts of Phil, Paul and Tim O., they ran the company out of town with their radical protests in front of the store. Now all those poor Hispanic employees for whom they were demanding that the company hire Hispanic supervisors to supervise don't have to worry, because they don't need a job since the company eliminated their jobs all together.

Anonymous said...

I don't get food stamps, rent subsidies, free medical care at the ER or anything like that. I live on a pension that did not give me one penny of a raise this year. I stand behind people in line at the supermarkets that have food cards, etc. They talk on fancy cell phones, buy junk ford, get free health care, etc. I see them on the streets walking their pit bulls; they keep their children out of school while they 're working at McDs or other. They sit on their stoops and drink beer out of a beer bottle in a paper bag and you know what, my taxes - which they don't pay - support this. I'm sick of it. Screw it! I don't think I'll pay my taxes any more.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom Says,

I want to join the NBRTC

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uncle Tom Says,
I want to join the NBRTC
June 4, 2010 7:01 PM

You're welcome to come to the next NBRTC meeting, the first Tuesday in July...7:00 p.m., Room 504, New Britain City Hall...Let the Chairman know you want to join.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...I don't get food stamps, rent subsidies, free medical care at the ER or anything like that. I live on a pension that did not give me one penny of a raise this year. I stand behind people in line at the supermarkets that have food cards, etc. They talk on fancy cell phones, buy junk ford, get free health care, etc. I see them on the streets walking their pit bulls; they keep their children out of school while they 're working at McDs or other. They sit on their stoops and drink beer out of a beer bottle in a paper bag and you know what, my taxes - which they don't pay - support this. I'm sick of it. Screw it! I don't think I'll pay my taxes any more.....

More than 50% of Americans pay not one thin dime in income taxes while the top 1% of wage earners pay 70% of all the income taxes in this country.

Instead of being thankful for the people who are working hard and making it possible for them to live on the dole, they constantly demonize the very people that are making it possible for them to live for free, and then demand even more from the people who are paying for all this nonsense, then they wonder why so many Americans are fed up with this ever growing socialism being forced down our throats by these communists.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom, seriously is that the best you can do. You still call people that in 2010?

But I guess you think all racial minorities should be beholden to the Democratic party for creating patronizing and paternalistic policies that have kept so many of them dependent on social programs. And anyone who steps out from under the Democrats thumb is a traitor. oh, I see how you think.

Anonymous said...

my, my, hasn't little mac the lesser one been awfully silent lately?

Anonymous said...

DATELINE June 5, 2010:
Wal-Mart plans to hire 500,000!

The radical socialists in our Democratic party must be proud that the world's largest employer, who plans to hire half a million new employees has pulled out of New Britain after the people who were elected to represent them in city hall and the state house formed one radical protest after another in front of their place of business. Do you think these zealots even understand that they are elected to represent a taxpayer like Wal-Mart too, or do they only represent radical left wing extremists, and the rest of the public be damned?

Anonymous said...

Dwight wrote “…The New Britain Republican Town Committee has a growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats…”

Shouldn’t The New Britain “Republican” Town Committee be comprised of Republicans? Why then are they being infiltrated by a “growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats”?

I have a suggestion, why doesn’t this “legion of moderate and conservative Democrats” go to their own Town Committee and kick out the liberal and socialistic democrats and take back their own party? Why must they come to our party and weaken it with their contrary ideals and views?

If they must come to our party, then they shouldn’t just change their “democrat” name but also change their ideals and views to be more in line with the republican ideals and views and start acting like a republican!!!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Dwight wrote “…The New Britain Republican Town Committee has a growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats…”

Shouldn’t The New Britain “Republican” Town Committee be comprised of Republicans? Why then are they being infiltrated by a “growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats”?

I have a suggestion, why doesn’t this “legion of moderate and conservative Democrats” go to their own Town Committee and kick out the liberal and socialistic democrats and take back their own party? Why must they come to our party and weaken it with their contrary ideals and views?

If they must come to our party, then they shouldn’t just change their “democrat” name but also change their ideals and views to be more in line with the republican ideals and views and start acting like a republican!!!

June 5, 2010 8:01 AM"

I wonder if this poster read what he/she wrote! There are many reasons why people switch political parties. Perhaps it's because they always had the same ideals; it could be that at one time the Democrat Town Committee in New Britain had some conservative Democrat voices - these folks have been purged - but is now populated with extreme, left wing socialist/liberals. It's easier for a conservative Democrat to find like minded people in the Republican Party in New Britain. They haven't changed their "ideals and views", just party label. I welcome them. Don't be a political bigot.

The Thorn said...

Anonymous said...

Dwight wrote “…The New Britain Republican Town Committee has a growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats…”

Shouldn’t The New Britain “Republican” Town Committee be comprised of Republicans? Why then are they being infiltrated by a “growing legion of moderate and conservative Democrats”?

I have a suggestion, why doesn’t this “legion of moderate and conservative Democrats” go to their own Town Committee and kick out the liberal and socialistic democrats and take back their own party? Why must they come to our party and weaken it with their contrary ideals and views?

If they must come to our party, then they shouldn’t just change their “democrat” name but also change their ideals and views to be more in line with the republican ideals and views and start acting like a republican!!!

To Anonymous:
I think the answer to your question is in the fact that the Republican Party represents the values and ideals of mainstream America. Republicans embrace the values of Capitalism, the freedom to be left alone by government, to be free to pursue your interests free from big brother's interference and control, the very same values that made America the greatest country on Earth. It is the party that has always fought (against strong Democratic opposition) to guarantee civil rights for all Americans regardless of race, ethnic background or ancestry. The Democrats historically opposed any such rights because it interfered with their plan to keep the underprivileged down and dependent on them to survive, and thus obligated to vote for Democrats to keep the free ride rolling.

In recent years, on the national, state and local levels, the Democratic Party has been hijacked by radical socialist extremists that would like nothing better than to transform this country from the great land it once was, to a European socialist nation like Greece, where everyone is supported by the central planning government, no one can own any property and all income is redistributed so that no one may be allowed to have a dime more than anyone else, no matter how hard he or she works.

These socialist/communist values (socialism is just a means to accomplish the end result of total communism) go against the principles this country was founded upon and are against the values that most Americans share.

People who once associated with the Democratic Party, believing it was the party of the people, are rejecting this planned transformation into socialism and awaking to the fact that the Republican Party truly is the party of the people, and this is why so many former Democrats and Unaffiliated voters are becoming involved with the Republican Party. One needs only to look at the Tea Party movement to understand this.

With that said, no two people are going to agree on virtually every issue, but the important fact is that so many people are rejecting the socialism that Democrats are trying to force feed them, and are embracing the personal freedoms promised by the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

perhaps these Democrats are rejecting the leader of their own party and finding they have much more in common with Mr. Blint??????

I know I do!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said….“I wonder if this poster read what he/she wrote! There are many reasons why people switch political parties. Perhaps it's because they always had the same ideals; it could be that at one time the Democrat Town Committee in New Britain had some conservative Democrat voices - these folks have been purged - but is now populated with extreme, left wing socialist/liberals. It's easier for a conservative Democrat to find like minded people in the Republican Party in New Britain. They haven't changed their "ideals and views", just party label. I welcome them. Don't be a political bigot.”

It is apparent from your choice of words that you are clearly a democrat. Your tactics to get me to conform to your way of thinking has been noted, but don’t anyone worry, I’m not of the feeble minded who will buckle under such foolishness.

The NB Democrats compromised their ideas and values and allowed the ultra-liberals and socialistic into their party. The ultra-liberals and socialistic went to the democrat party because it was “easier” for them to find “like minded people” in the democrat party than it was for them to find “like minded people” in the republican party. The democrat party thought that having more members would strengthen their cause but in fact it made the ultra-liberals and socialistic cause stronger and the democrat cause weaker.

I sincerely hope that the real republicans are paying attention to what is happening to our party and have the wisdom to deal with it appropriately. If not, then our city, state and nation are in for a real rough ride, one that will make Obama’s ride, look like a Sunday ride around the park.

I have many friends, who I love dearly, who are democrats. I work with many more democrats and have discussed politics with most of them and I have yet to meet one “conservative democrat”. Being a little more conservative than the radical socialistic extremist doesn’t make one a “conservative”.

If many democrats have an awakening moment and realize that the republican ideals and values are the best way for governing our great land, then I say, God Bless Them and Welcome!

Anonymous said...

If you are going to disagree with Democrats, be ready for vicious attacks because with these left wing radicals, if you oppose socialism, they take it extremely personal and will attack you anyway they can.

They will stop at nothing to transform this country into a socialist third world nation.

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