Monday, June 21, 2010

DTC Chairman Urges Override of the Mayor's Veto!

Democratic Town Committee Chairman McNamara issued statement, dated June 21, 2010., urging the Democratic control common council members to override the Mayor's budget veto at Wednesday night's common council meeting.

Maybe the Chairman should look up the legal rules of engagement in our city Charter!


Anonymous said...

Another Democrat grandstanding stunt? What a complete, unforunate power playing stunt which may accomplish nothing but costing the city more embarrassment and possibly funds the city can ill afford to spend.

What is it that our state legislators have to say about this madness?

Anonymous said...

who is going to read the charter for the chairman, because obviously it uses words that are too difficult for such a simple mind?

Anonymous said...

The lesser one shouldn't use big words that he obviously is too ignorant to understand the meaning of!

Anonymous said...

The position of the Democratic town committee seems to be one of jamming massive tax increases down the throats of every property owner in the city.

Anonymous said...

The people are about to witness how vicious a group of radical zealots can get when they don't get their way. Kicking doors is just a start!
Just watch the childish nonsense that is no doubt on its way.

Anonymous said...

Stewie should give Little Mac a piece of his mind too. Doesn't he realize that the DTC Chair is pulling all the strings for his puppets on the Council and BOE?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he realize that the DTC Chair is pulling all the strings for his puppets on the Council and BOE?

That only makes sense since you would be hard pressed to come up with one brain among them all. Take a good look around the table on Weds. The brain power is definitely on low.

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