Tuesday, June 1, 2010

FARMINGTON: Red Cross Strike Begins At Midnight: The Courant


Anonymous said...

I used to think of the red cross as a charitable organization, but the last time they went on strike, I found out that they are little more than a bunch of greedy union pigs demanding more, more, more.

f said...

Good now they can be replaced by people who really want to work! I said it be fore and I will say it again, the unions are putting us out of business, we need to stand up and fight. In todays economy people will line up to take there jobs! So let them go and the union can follow. I urge every voter out there not to vote for anyone who accepts campaign donations from a union, because they will not represent the best interest of you who has to pay the bill!

Anonymous said...

The unions are controlling this state through their huge donations to political campaigns, and as a result, these elected officials are there to do whatever the unions want when they come knocking on the capitol door.

It is about time that the people footing the bill for this nonsense put an end to it by voting these union puppets out of office.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the union realizes they will simply be replaced by non-union workers and these union extremists will not even be missed:

The union that represents 210 phlebotomists, licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, lab technicians and drivers across the state has announced it will end its strike Friday at midnight.

Anonymous said...

GREECE IS THE WORD: California is facing a $19 billion budget deficit, and legislative Democrats say putting people back to work should be the state's No. 1 priority. That's the same talking point the Obama White House and congressional Democrats have been wielding since January 2009, only to have national unemployment rise from 7.6 percent to almost 10 percent. But in California especially, making jobs the No. 1 priority makes sense since about 2.3 million Californians have been idled by the Chris Dodd Bear Market and Recession, and joblessness has soared to 12.6 percent. The Democrats' innovative approach for reducing unemployment? Tax, borrow and spend; impose a new tax on oil companies and use the estimated $1 billion in annual revenues to pay back loans that would fund an immediate $8.7 billion bailout of welfare recipients and unionized government employees. Private-sector jobs created by the bill? Zero.

Anonymous said...

This is why I stopped donating to the Red Cross years ago. I do not support any business that is unionized as unions are destroying this once great nation.

Anonymous said...

There was a union spokesman on Channel 30 news tonight, and he was saying what the union members are outraged over, is that the company pays the same rates to union and non-union employees. Apparently, if you are not in a union, these AFSCME members believe they are better than you and I and should be paid more just because they are unionized.

And they wonder why so many people hate unions?

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