Tuesday, June 29, 2010

GOP, Taxpayers Group Back Stewart; Democrat Calls For City Hall Protest - Courant.com

Don Stacom


Anonymous said...

Remember when Democrat leaders caused WalMart to close? Where were, the lesser McNamara then, and O'Brien, and Catanzaro, and Sherwood?
Democrats now have another liberal newspaper to print their garbage and fix blame, namely Don Stacom and the Courant.

Anonymous said...

In his weekly newsletter, Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara said residents should consider demonstrating outside city hall to show their displeasure with Stewart:

It is easy for the Democrats to form protests because while the Republicans are all busy working at their jobs and running their businesses so they can pay the taxes to support all this ever growing nonsense, Democrats seem to have nothing better to do than to form radical protests against the very people who are supporting their way of life. What would happen if the people who are supporting their free ride just stopped paying?

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