Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mayor Tim Stewart: Tax Increase Could Be Less Than 7%: The Courant



Anonymous said...

Tim Stewart has been trying to keep our taxes down since he was first elected, but with a council made up of out of control spending Democrats, it has been like swimming up stream. These Democrats don't seem to know how to do anything but spend our money in frivolous B.S.

Anonymous said...

According to the Courant this is all the mayor's work, and according to the Herald, they credit this all to Sherwood. Who's blowing smoke up who's skirt?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Mattabassett doing something like this???????

SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. -- While most people are dealing with higher municipal fees, one town has come up with a way to cut back.

The town council said South Windsor’s Sewer Authority was charging home and business owners for unnecessary items. Now, it wants to drop rates by a third.

The town council approved a sewer authority budget that lowers the annual sewer fee from $300 a year to $200.

Anonymous said...

Common Council Majority Leader Phil Sherwood said enough is enough. He said he was shocked to learn of Mayor Timothy Stewart's cut to education in his latest proposed budget.

How can you be shocked when you and your cronies are the biggest cause for the budget problems with all your wasteful spending on social program after program?

Now that bill is coming due!

Anonymous said...

maybe we need a voucher program to solve the problem, this way the parents can send their kids to private schools and we can eliminate even more teachers.

Anonymous said...

I watched Ms. Beloin Svaandra demonizing parents sending their students to out of town magnet schools, and it appeared to me she was representing the unions and looking to protect union positions which is exactly opposite the people she was elected to represent. Wasn't Ms. Beloin Savanadraa elected to represent the city and the taxpayers, not the unions who represent people who mostly live out of town and pay taxes somewhere else--part of the problem, and not the solution?

Anonymous said...

If Sherwood's wife makes him move out of town as a result, then it seems well worth it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said…According to the Courant this is all the mayor's work, and according to the Herald, they credit this all to Sherwood. Who's blowing smoke up who's skirt?

We already pay too much taxes for the services we receive.

Because of the property re-evaluation I am paying over $1,000 more in taxes for my home. Now that isn’t enough so they propose to raise the taxes some more by 5-7 percent.

Everyone wants to blame the other. What we need are leaders who will lead and stop playing games. We need leaders who can come up with solutions that don’t include raising taxes.

To answer your question about “who’s blowing smoke”, well, I would say I wouldn’t trust either of them. They might be cut from opposite ends, but they are still from the same cloth.

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