Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Republican Chair Speaks Out!

What I found most troubling was the way Rep. Geragosian kept blaming "suburban" legislators and "leadership" for the state's fiscal woes and for the lack of resources being sent to New Britain. He is the co-chair of appropriations, one of the most powerful committees in state government - he controls all the bucks.

Additionally, he is a longtime legislator and a leader in the Democratic party. Yet, he talks as if he is simply a hapless cog in the wheel and New Britain is just a victim of circumstances.

He refuses to take any responsibility for his lack of leadership or his failed role as our advocate. We need to send people who care more about New Britain than their political aspirations to represent our local interests in Hartford.

The New Britain Republican Town Committee is very excited to have some strong candidates for the voters' consideration - people who will look out for New Britain. Visit our website to learn about them, and please support them, especially if you're tired of career politicians and their excuses.


Anonymous said...


Blame your own party for not being able to produce anyone for years to run against John

Anonymous said...


Blame your own party for not being able to produce anyone for years to run against John
June 2, 2010 11:04 AM

Where's the beef? GOP is now ready to roll!!

Anonymous said...

Geragosian is the very type of radical liberal that tea parties are forming all over the country to push back against.

Anonymous said...

NBRTC mind set,throw anybody on the ballot so that we are not shamed!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of the many times Tim Stewart DID NOT go to the Governor to ask her not to cut municipal aid, while legislators restored and increased state aid to the city for most of Stewart's tenure.

You can look it up Dwight instead of sounding like a blowhard.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of racist Democrats picking on Dwight.

Let us not forget that for over 100 years, the Democrats fought to prevent blacks from obtaining equal rights, and that was exactly why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was so proud to be a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Some. "to be expected" responses obviously from Dems, namely, attack Dwight and Mayor Stewart , thus diverting attention to the issue.

Anonymous said...

The spin continues....

Our legislators support binding arbitration which automatically increase wages and benefits. Has any government union in the state seen a cut in pay? A cut in benefits? A switch to a 401k pension like we all have?

Give me a break. When unions "give" a 0% wage "concession" the politicians jump for joy.

Higher union costs means more required state aid which means higher taxes which means higher union costs........

The cycle has to be broken.

For decades the best job in the legislature was the chair of appropriations because the chair was able to stir money and special exceptions to their home community. Our guy is now in the chair goes to a CPOA meeting and says he is powerless? Are you kidding? Watch how the unions collectively trip over themselves to support the New Britain delegation of supposed powerless legislators.

Anonymous said...

The best solution would be to repeal the mandatory collective bargaining for state employees and become a "right to work" state.

How many people even realize that the State of Connecticut is a "closed shop" requiring that any state employee except for commissioners belong to a union whether they want to or not.

The one exception is that no employees of the legislature may ever join a union. Union membership is barred by state law for anyone who works for the legislature.

Our radical Democrats that control the legislature will not allow their own employees to be members of unions while they force it down everyone else's throats in a similar fashion to Obamacare being jammed down our throats.

The Democratic hypocrisy continues.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the child like actions, and words of Phil and Mike here. Come on guys you are aldermen, grow a set, use your name, and for Godssake Stop being grandstanding self centerd babies when things dont go the way only you want them to. And as far as" where's the beef " and " throw anyone on the ballot" whats that all about ? Just because you dont know who a candidate is, that does not make them less of one. And I thank anyone that steps up to run for office , anywhere, when the need is there. Thats what being an American is, or have you 2 forgotten that ?

Anonymous said...

Question for Dwight

How long have you been a U.S citzen?

Long time New Britain resident Born and raised in Connecticut said...

Has anyone ever heard of Phil Sherwood before he ran for office? He came here from an unheard of village in Vermont (or is it New Hampshire?) and got elected to the council!! No roots in New Britain, nor Connecticut for that matter. Gimme a break!!

Anonymous said...

Long time New Britain resident Born and raised in Connecticut said...

Has anyone ever heard of Phil Sherwood before he ran for office? He came here from an unheard of village in Vermont (or is it New Hampshire?) and got elected to the council!! No roots in New Britain, nor Connecticut for that matter. Gimme a break!!

Too bad his wife didn't get her way and move the kids out of New Britain because of the inferior school system!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Question for Dwight

How long have you been a U.S citzen?

I believe these personal attacks against Dwight Blint are originating with small minded racist bigot Democrats, especially since the Democratic Party has over 100 years of history opposing equal rights for blacks especially.

Some things will never change with these Democrats trying to keep black people down!

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