Wednesday, July 7, 2010

DTC to hold “open dialogue” | New Britain Republicans


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be another act of staged theater by the 2 radicals--Sherwood and Trueworthy, complete with Sherwood pontificating endlessly on his own self importance, and Trueworthy constantly forgetting his lines from the playbook.

Anonymous said...

Having the terms, "open dialogue" and "DTC" in the same sentence is the definition of an "oxymoron."

Anonymous said...

be careful using any reference to morons, since the council has a table full of them!

Anonymous said...


Is an "oxymoron" like OxyClean? Oh no, it can't be, OxyClean is a stain remover, DTC is a stain producer.

Anonymous said...

look around at the next council meeting and see how many stains you can count!

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