Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pat Boone Calls Berwick ‘Kiss of Death for Seniors’ - HUMAN EVENTS


Anonymous said...

How many students in New Britain do you think ever heard of Pat Boone, thanks to the dysfunctional school system?

Oldie but Goodie said...

Anonymous said...
How many students in New Britain do you think ever heard of Pat Boone, thanks to the dysfunctional school system?
July 13, 2010 4:24 PM

If students in the school system have heard of Pat Boone in the classroom, there is a problem. They are more likely to hear of him at home by their parents...he had many hits in late '50s and early' 60's. His daughter Debbie Boone was fairly popular in the '70's...Parents, bring out those old Pat Boone records to bring romance back in your lives .)

Anonymous said...

I'll bet they are told in the classroom about Farrakahn, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Ahmedinijad and other radicals in a manner portraying them all as world heroes.

Anonymous said...

"Obamacare" is the kiss of death for seniors. Seniors, get ready for that death pill that even Obama said he would have given his own grandmother, because he said it didn't make fiscal sense to spend the money that was spent on her medical treatments just before her death.

If he wouldn't have treated his own grandmother (the same one he also said he resented for her race) then what hope do you or I have?

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