Monday, August 2, 2010

In Bruising GOP Race, 2 Fight To Succeed, But Not Follow, Blumenthal -


Anonymous said...

The Democratic attorney general has contributed to an anti-business climate by scaring away employers with a seemingly endless stream of consumer and regulatory lawsuits...

This has no doubt scared many employers away from this state, and certainly forcing a company to stay here against their will as if they are in a Nazi concentration camp--simply to please his cronies in the unions--has also done nothing to help encourage business.

Anonymous said...

The man who has probably single handedly destroyed more jobs and has driven more employers out of this state with his anti business lawsuits, now wants to be our Senator?

What moron would vote for this radical zealot to replace another radical zealot like Dodd?

Anonymous said...

Blumenthal was in Vancouver where he attended a political fund raiser organized by a Political Action Committee for Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and about a dozen other candidates?

We all know that Democrats are toast in November but are Democrats that desperate, that they need to do fundraising in foreign countries?

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