Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letter To The Editor

Doing Business In Central Connecticut

About a week ago I had the great pleasure to walk through OKay
Industries on Ellis Street in New Britain with COO Jason Howey. For
years I had driven past their building with no knowledge of what kind
of manufacturing went on inside their walls or even the size of their
operation. As one of the larger manufacturing companies in the area,
it was a real pleasure to see the inner operations of such a
fascinating company and learn about their business.
OKay was started in 1911 in New Britain and is one of the
oldest manufacturers left in the City. With a workforce of roughly

130 highly skilled employees they create many metal parts and pieces

for companies such as Toyota and have contracts as large as the US Army.

It was very disheartening to think about how many companies that

were similar to OKay, but picked up and left Connecticut.

The Hardware City, with all its beautiful factory buildings and long manufacturing

history, has been a victim of this corporate flight from Connecticut.
After asking Mr. Howey what he felt was a reason for this
exodus from Connecticut, I learned that he was frustrated, as were the
other businesses with Connecticut Policy makers. If it wasn’t for his
skilled labor force, OKay might have very well followed the path of
other companies that have exited the State. Citing taxes as the major
burden they face, he referenced a proposed tax for companies that
would have taxed their raw/wholesale products and services they use to
create their end product. The thought that Connecticut would use such
a tax to raise revenue would be devastating to Connecticut companies,
increasing their already high costs in the State and taking away any
advantage they would have left with companies in other states.
Connecticut needs to be like other states in the USA, we need
to become a business friendly environment. We need to be out there
attracting business to relocate to the New Britain/Newington area to

combat our high unemployment and taxes. As a State Representative

of New Britain and Newington, I would make it my personal

obligation to change Connecticut laws, prevent any potential harmful

legislation from passing that would inhibit bringing business back to New

Britain and Newington. We need to make the central Connecticut a more

feasible and attractive environment for families and workers.

Cris Carillo
Candidate for State Representative – 24th District
New Britain and Newington

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, a candidate from New Britain who cares about creating jobs, instead of trying to increase the size of our bloated government and raising taxes on those rich business owners to pay for their ever increasing government bureaucracy!

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