Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our view: Garber will act, not be an activist - Norwich, CT - Norwich Bulletin


Anonymous said...

"Decisions should be based on matters of law, not personal political beliefs or agendas."

Apparently our current union defending zealot of an attorney general never got the memo. Did you ever see Blumenthal defend non-union employees from anything?

Ross Garber will be a refreshing change to the anti-business job killing agenda that currently exists in that office.

Anonymous said...

"commercials imputing evil to the convention-endorsed candidate, former Ambassador Tom Foley, because Foley was involved with a textile mill in Georgia that failed."

This is a ridiculous claim, because everyone knows the failure of manufacturing in this country was caused by Bill Clinton and his free trade agreement that was supposed to get billions of Chinese buying American products on their 15 cent an hour wages.

The most ridiculous part of the story is the way unions fought to ram this nonsense through Congress as if they believed that China was going to buy their goods. In effect, they helped Clinton eliminate millions of union jobs in America and destroy countless factories.

Every time you see that "made in China" label, you can thank Clinton for it.

Anonymous said...

Just the kind of guy we need, finally representing our interests instead of his own liberal agenda!

Anonymous said...

Even the liberal Hartford Courant is endorsing Ross Garber for our next Attorney General:

7:33 PM EDT, July 30, 2010
Endorsement: Ross Garber In GOP AG Race

Voting for attorney general of the state is a little like hiring a lawyer. You want someone with the knowledge, experience and temperment to do the job. In the Republican primary for attorney general, the candidate who best mirrors that ideal is Ross H. Garber.

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