Friday, October 15, 2010

The Herald's report of the council meeting lacked real issues


Amazingly the Herald chose only to include the public participation and not report the positions taken by the Alderman during the most recent city council meeting:
The location of the New Police station was the main issue with Alderman Catanzaro citing that no doubt we need a new police station with the officers getting sick in the old building ---we should build it now!

Majority leader Sherwood countered by citing "No Public hearing was held yet to determine the location. Alderman Pabon immediately countered by stating that we have 16 prints and we have spent $10,000 but was shut off by Sherwood stating that no public hearing was held to determine the location and suggesting that the Greenfield site would be appropriate even though the city's large business property owner, Mr. Avnev Krohn stated, during public participation, that the downtown district wants the police station to be built now!

As to the delay with the approval of the proposed bonding Alderman Michael Trueworhty citing that the police cruisers will be ordered and will not hit the road for at least another eight months. This delay has placed our resident's safety in harm's way since the old cruisers are constantly breaking down for repairs causing the officers to double up because of the lack of available cruisers.

Also during the public participation Mr. Mark Fortin listed the many hearings, meetings, with the approval of the engineers, contractors and architects for the Chestnut and Main Street site which was not well received by the majority leader from his facial expressions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Democrats to delay another project that is sorely needed. Instead of calling themselves progressive they should be called the regressive party.


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