Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Britain GOP Wants To Retire Two Democrats -


Anonymous said...

O'Brien, 42, has said for several terms that property tax reform is among his chief objectives, and this year is promising that he'll keep working toward that goal if he's returned to office:

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read. He is saying that he has failed to keep his promise to the voters for several terms, but if you give him just one more term, this time he will actually keep his promise.

Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous?

Anonymous said...

If the BOE really wanted to fix the schools here in New Britain, they would be seeking to hire Michelle Rhee, former Superintendent of Schools for Washington DC, before Governor Chris Christie signs her on as his Education Commissioner. Since Dr. Kurtz is leaving, this is the golden opportunity to hire someone who will actually put the needs of the students over politics and taking care of unions.

Dr. Rhee is the one person who could stand up to the unions and fix these broken schools!

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween:

Mother A, a loving, dedicated, working mother spends two weeks making her children costumes, she gets them involved with the creative process, spends quality time with them, it's hard work after working all day to feed and support them but she brought them into this world and she is committed to raising them and being a good parent.

Mother B has a couple of kids and continues to sit at home on her butt collecting government subsidies while her kids attend grade school. She seldom applies herself, let's the school system feed her children, she watches alot of TV and talks on the phone. She pays no attention to Halloween coming and couldn't care less what her kids costumes look like if they will have one at all.

The Big Day Comes! Mother A's kids head out Trick-Or-Treating, proud of their costumes their mom made, The government mandates that all children must share their loot with the other children and Mother B's kids receive 1/2 of Mother A's kid's candy.....

Trick or Treat?

Anonymous said...

New Haven CT: Linda McMahan's recent Tuesday’s New Haven visit ( 10/19/10 ) reflected the two-pronged strategy the state will see as Linda McMahon seeks to keep the focus on

Linda's business visit was a media-blitz and stealth campaign, conducted at two levels by her. She
reached a mass New Haven business audience through her personal visit and continued bombardment of the airwaves with ads, including a devastating spot showing Blumenthal stumbling when asked by McMahon, “How Do You Create A Job... Mr. Blumenthal?”

Anonymous said...

If O'Brien wins this election, there is something drastically wrong with the voters in New Britain

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the local Republican candidates are running against the endorsed Democrats that are also endorsed by the Working Families Party line, the organization that is an offshoot of the ACORN trouble makers.

Anonymous said...

O'Brien says that if he is re-elected, he will fight hard to return tolls to Connecticut highways, despite the fact that the majority of citizens do not want tolls.

I guess the Democratic Party way is to do whatever the people expressly do not want them to do: Obamacare, stimulus, bank bailouts, government takeovers of car companies, etc. and now tolls in Connecticut.

Knowing the twisted thought pattern of Democrats, O'Brien will probably fight for one to be put on Rt. 9/72, right in the middle of New Britain, so he can finally claim he brought jobs to New Britain, instead of driving them out with radical protests in front of businesses like WalMart.

Anonymous said...

NEW HAVEN CT: Linda McMahon visits shop owner Tony Koutroumanis and public at the Yorkside Pizza & Restaurant on Tuesday 10/19/10, as she spends an hour and a half under the radar in New Haven’s Broadway shopping district, keeping the focus of her U.S. Senate campaign on jobs and CT economy rather than on the questions from the liberal press pack-rats?

Anonymous said...

New Haven CT: Following a private chat with 30 business people at the Chamber of Commerce’s 900 Chapel St. offices in New Haven , Linda McMahon spent 10:30 a.m. to noon visiting shops and chatting with clerks and managers at stores along the Broadway/York St. strip rebuilt by Yale. Her campaign did not issue any advance releases to let the press corps know she was coming to New Haven.

Anonymous said...

If Linda McMahon doesn't win the election, then the American people still haven't woken up. It is just as Anonymous has said about O'Brien keeping his promise this time. How many times do we have to be lied to from politicians before we get the hint?
I mailed my vote in. I hope it is counted.

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