Monday, November 1, 2010

Glenn Beck Calls Blumenthal: "DANGEROUS TO OUR REPUBLIC"

Calls on Connecticut to "PLEASE WAKE UP"

On his TV show today, Glenn Beck described Richard Blumenthal as "Dangerous to our Republic" and called on Connectict (Beck's home state) to wake up before it is too late and to stop Blumenthal by voting against him tomorrow.

Click the link above to view the Fox News Video


Anonymous said...

Wake up CT, Look what is happening in the rest of the country. How's that Hope and Change working out for you. Do you want another career politician!

Linda is a clear change to what is in Washington. You may not agree with her company, but she is succesful...and the answer is not a guy that attacks business's and doesn't know the first thing on how to create a job.

Gee, why are business's leaving CT in droves! Guess what the biggest employer in the state is? THE STATE. What are you going to do when you run out of other peoples money. CT may remain a blue state, but the rest of the country is turning Red...WAKE UP!

Anonymous said...

John Boehner said it best today:

"When Ronald Reagan was president, we had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash, and now after 2 years of a Barrack Obama presidency we have no hope, and no cash!"

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t look like I will be returning to CT anytime soon.

Sorry to see Linda lose.


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