Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Medicare Cuts Payments to Doctors By 23% As of December 1st, Another 2% On January 1st: NJ Healthcare

Seniors need to be prepared to have their doctors cut them as patients because as a result of Obamacare, payments to doctors under Medicare will be reduced by 23% starting December 1st. As if this isn't bad enough news, on January 1st, Obamacare cuts an additional 2% from the payments your doctor will receive due to Obamacare.

You can expect many doctors to begin refusing to accept Medicare patients as a direct result of this drastic cut in payments caused directly by Obamacare. This makes the repeal of Obamacare even that much more important for seniors, who will be left without doctors willing to accept them.

Click the headline above to read the entire article in New Jersey News.


NB Senior Citizen said...

This appears to be age discrimination to me. Seniors need medical care as much as ever, if not more.The cost of prescriptions has already caused some seniors to cut down on their heat and food bills...Give us a break, Obama!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the only option that will be left is government run health care complete with the 2 year wait for an Obama communist Tsar to give you permission before you can see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

47% increase in medical insurance rates in Connecticut, 50% of the docs said they will retire BEFORE the full effects of Obamacare kick in, 30 million MORE people in the health care system, half a trillion dollars in CUTS to medicaid/medicare, not being able to keep your own doctor, death panels determining whether you are YOUNG enough to get treatment later in life, and who is paying for this?.......



Anonymous said...

NB Senior Citizen said...

This appears to be age discrimination to me. Seniors need medical care as much as ever, if not more.The cost of prescriptions has already caused some seniors to cut down on their heat and food bills...Give us a break, Obama!

...NB Senior Citizen,
Under a Canada/UK style single payer system like the one Obama is on record supporting for this country, the amount spent on your treatment must be justified as a cost benefit to the government, otherwise the government bureaucrat that must first approve your treatment (an Obama Czar), can not authorize you to receive treatment. In simpler terms, if you are no longer working and producing for the government, you get nothing because you are worth nothing to the government!

In the UK, it is even a crime for a doctor to treat you without the government's permission, and you may not pay your own way, as no doctor may legally work for anyone other than the central government.

This is where the term "death panels" comes from, because you are destined to die by a bureaucrat who will not allow a doctor to treat you.

I guess this is what Obama meant during the election when he criticized Medicare for treating his grandmother instead of simply giving her a pain pill.

Anonymous said...

God help us.

Anonymous said...

was that the red pill or the blue pill?

Senior Citizen said...

Will this cause Dr. Kevorkian to make a comeback?
Seniors who are dropped from their doctor's care may be on the road to an earlier than necessary demise. ):

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