Monday, November 8, 2010

Obama’s NLRB Appointee Says Unions Need to be Voted in Quicker


Anonymous said...

How about voted out quicker like in the case of the 20,000 Delta flight attendants that just threw the union out on their butts.

Anonymous said...


Listen up, California. The other 48 states—your cousin New York excluded—are sick of your bratty arrogance. You're the Lindsay Lohan of states: a prima donna who once showed some talent but is now too wasted to do anything with it---

make that 47 states. Connecticut liberals are trying to emulate California in every way!

Anonymous said...

Unions are destructive to the American way, which is why I will not do business with any company who employs union labor. I would be willing to even pay a higher price to avoid the unions, but as it turns out, non-union companies always seem to have lower prices anyway, so I avoid the unions and save lots of money in the process.

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