Monday, November 8, 2010

Rename The Bush Tax Cuts To The "JFK Tax Cuts" And Extend Them Permanently?

On 8/13/1962, JFK called for permanent tax cuts for everyone, saying that the lower the tax rate, the more revenue taxes will generate for the government because of the new jobs that lower taxes would create, so why doesn't Congress stop this class warfare they are engaged in on the Democratic side of the aisle and follow JFK's lead--passing permanent tax cuts for everyone in America as a way to reduce the national debt and stimulate the economy?

Apparently, the current day Democratic Party has lost JFK's message for lower taxes as a means to creating more jobs. Maybe they simply need to look back in history to put this country on the right track? Especially since Ronald Reagan was simply following the proven example set by his Democratic predecessor, the late great JFK.

Besides, George W. Bush is such a great statesman, that I am sure he won't mind giving up credit for these desperately needed tax cuts to JFK if that is what it takes to pass them for the good of the nation.


Anonymous said...

Kennedy would be proud of us if the Bush tax cuts were extended in his name!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same JFK that used the FBI for surveillance of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, tapping his phones and photographing his trysts with secret lovers? Could this have all been because MLK was a Republican?

Democrats at their best.

Anonymous said...

Listen very carefully to the tape and you will hear Kennedy say that lowering taxes is the best way to put money back into the hands of the people who create the jobs!

Anonymous said...

Right winger! John was Ed's brother? I wonder who mom was prouder of most?

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