Friday, November 5, 2010

Voters Speak: No to Soak-the-Rich Schemes - HUMAN EVENTS


Anonymous said...

Even the liberals in Washington State understand that taxing the people who create the jobs destroys jobs.

Does anybody think that the liberal extremists in New Britain are capable of learning this lesson?

How many jobs will Malloy kill with his plans to increase the state income tax to 8% or his plans for a new state property tax that is not only going to be added on top of the municipal property tax, but he is going to force the towns to collect it for him, so the town pays the cost of collecting the state's tax money?

How long will it be before the Democrats come back with their plans to seize 35% of all business income?

That will really create a lot of jobs.

Will the last one out of Connecticut please turn off the lights?

Anonymous said...

Official Governor Results Released: Malloy Wins

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