Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jakubowski To Run New Britain Schools For A Year -


Anonymous said...

With his experience and background, It may be a good idea to recruit Jakobowski as Kurtz's replacement.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Rhee might be available. With her track record, she could turn this school system around almost overnight!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
With his experience and background, It may be a good idea to recruit Jakobowski as Kurtz's replacement.

December 8, 2010 12:12 PM"

The comment above shows exactly why this plan of the BOE is flawed.
Ron Jakubowski is a nice man who, under the present circumstances (Kurtz's tenure) has done a
credible job.
However, I don't feel he is "equipped' to be the Super of a school district like New Britain's. He is a "good ole boy" with too many friends already ensconced in the school system. He would never do the house cleaning that is required in the NB Schools especially with regard to incompetent central office administrators and hopelessly incompetent school principals.
So much taxpayer money is wasted on "new programs" that end up accomplishing nothing while our test scores remain at the bottom of the pile.
This will be another lost year for NB students while the BOE members lick their chops and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Michelle Rhee might be available. With her track record, she could turn this school system around almost overnight!

Great suggestion. Ms. Rhee was responsible for establishing one of the most successful school voucher systems in America until Obama took office and stopped the poor black children from having the same opportunities as his own children by ending the voucher program and forcing inner city black children back to the inferior unionized city schools.

Just one more Democratic elected official holding his thumb over the blacks of America, oppressing them to keep them dependent on Democrats for their welfare.

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