Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rough first draft: Kurtz requests ‘most basic’ school budget - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

Herald Photo


Anonymous said...

She needs to go! $11million more than what they got last year? Start the layoffs Doris, you people must be smoking crack or something at board meetings. And if the state does not honor its obligations and give the city the additional $10 million then her request is a whopping $21 million over last years contricution from the city.
Perhaps they do not read the papers or watch the news daily over there. And the worst thing is the children are performing worse than ever under her tenure! Run her outtahere before she bankrupts all of our futures!

Anonymous said...

No money for teachers, but $100 million for a crap plant like it was nothing. What is wrong with this picture that the Democrats are drawing for us?

Anonymous said...

Kurtz told the Mayor's Office earlier - a few days ago - that her budget would be about $122M. Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...

When Kurtz was addressing the BOE she prompted them to ask questions. She also said that " IF SHE DID NOT KNOW THE ANSWERS SHE WOULD MAKE ONE UP."

I never trusted her and now I trust her even less. What a bumb thing to say. The <ayor shouold not let her get away with that statement.

Anonymous said...

Maybe everyone is so locked into Kurtz telling lies they just done care. I would thin that the Mayor and some councilmen would sensor her for he disregard of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, an' I don't "thin" they "done" care either. Wher is Jose' Jimenez when we "nee' him?'"

We loss Silbia Cruth bu' we still ha' Roy Centeno and Manny Sanchez. Hey, whassup?

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