Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is Malloy Governor of Fantasyland?


Referring to his promise to spend $250 million on transportation projects, Governor Dan Malloy said this transportation spending will help relieve the traffic congestion that's stifling business growth.
Clearly Malloy is living in fantasyland if he thinks that traffic is what is stifling business growth in Connecticut.

He needs only look to the members of his own party if he is looking to blame someone for Connecticut being one of the worst states in the nation in which to run a business. The major cause of business failure in Connecticut is the high taxation and ever growing regulations that the legislature (controlled by Democrats) keep forcing on businesses. One job destroying bill after another in the name of socialism.

This governor of Fantasyland is the same Governor who stated that becoming the first state in the nation to force every business to give their employees paid sick leave and then making it a crime for the employer to interfere in the employee's use of his newly granted guaranteed sick time is the absolute highest priority for this governor. Apparently finding a way to close the $3.5 billion dollar budget deficit takes a back seat to forcing his own radical agenda onto all businesses in the state and then this guy can't understand why any business owner would be crazy to locate his business here?

The only traffic will be on the highways exiting the state.


Anonymous said...

From the sound of it, most of that traffic will headed to the welcoming arms of Gov. Christie in NJ

Anonymous said...

the fantasy is believing that anything this crackpot can do will create even one job other than a state job being charge of the socialist handouts.

Anonymous said...

Malloy is seeking to raise taxes in Connecticut by $1.5 billion in the fiscal year that starts in July, including a retroactive increase in the state income tax to January 1. Those tax increases prompted Christie to say that he would be waiting at the border for Connecticut residents to arrive as they flee the taxes in their home state.


Anonymous said...

Beginning in early 2008, dire warnings of the massive fiscal problems ahead went unheeded by the majority party. Republicans offered several common sense solutions, which fell on deaf ears. Since then, declining revenues were not met with offsetting spending cuts, but borrowing, reliance on federal money to balance the state budget and a $1.6 billion tax hike on employers and the wealthy.

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