Thursday, February 10, 2011

Video of Red Light Cameras Making Intersections Safe!

With the Democrats in the legislature proposing to make our intersections safe by installing red light cameras, here is a few minutes of video showing how effective that really is!


Speed Camera Detectors said...

Hey, this video is really helpful to all because here you can know the importance of Speed Camera Detectors.

Anonymous said...

I think you will find disagreement on this issue no matter where you go. Having lived in a state where they have been using the cameras for many years I say put them in. The big brother watching issue is only and issue if you are running the red light! If you are hit by someone that ran the light - having a picuture says it all.
Arizona News from The Arizona Republic
Red-light cameras save lives, 5-year study says
by Larry Copeland on Feb. 01, 2011, under Arizona Republic News

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