Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alderman David DeFronzo’s Needless Resolution.


This resolution is somewhat a re-hash of Alderman Trueworhty’s recent motion that failed with three of the Democratic Aldermen siding with the Republicans.

At recent meetings of the common council Mr. Curry, our city’s finance director, has stated that 16 bids RFQ’S are sent out.

What does this Alderman wish to accomplish?

Isn’t he in effect redoing the failed Trueworthy's motion?

Additionally, isn’t there a council rule that once an issue fails it cannot be re-hashed until after the next election?


Anonymous said...

He is a Donkey!

Anonymous said...

I guess the ACORN doesn't fall far from the tree!

Prodigal son move over said...

I've heard of the prodigal son, but do we now have the radical son???

Lou Salvio said...

Anyone familiar with Council procedures knows full well why this Resolution has been placed on the Council Meeting agenda for 3/9/11. While the resolution is sufficiently different from a similar one advanced by Trueworthy at the Council's most recent meeting, the intent is the same, to wit, to demonize the Mayor and two Republican Aldermen.

I don't believe that Alderman DeFronzo is/was familiar enough with Council procedures to know that since Alderman Trueworthy"s similar resolution (same intent) was defeated, it could not be submitted again during this Council's tenure. DeFronzo had to be told that. Ergo, submit a "new" one with different wording but, one that has the same intent.

So, the Council will go through this same charade again at it's 3/9 meeting. Why? Because some Democrats haven't looked at what this resolution could mean now, not just what it may mean in November. So, play your silly games but, be careful, then again, DON"T.

Lou Salvio

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we need a resolution that no alderman can be currently employed by the city, school board, or any other entity funded by either entity.

Oh, that's right, then we would be left with only 4 aldermen all on one side of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the elder defronzo passed on the ceremonial bed pan to the younger?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how do you reason with these ignorant libtards?

Anonymous said...

11 mushbrains

Anonymous said...

Aldermn Willie Pabon asked DeFronzo do you think that Mark and I are taking money from the city without bids at last nights council meeting. DeFronzo offered little for an answer by just repeating the language in his proposal. Somewhat, Defronzo’s answer was a non-answer to Pabon’s direct question.

The liberal Democratic Aldermen voted to pass this resolution to send it to the law committee for it's review

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