Friday, March 4, 2011

Assistant majority leader Paul Catanzarro announces mayoral run - The New Britain Herald (

By Scott Whipple
Staff Writer


Anonymous said...

The guy can't even get to work on time! Let's not forget his numerous ethics violations, oh and his gross abuse of overtime as a city worker! Give me a break

Anonymous said...

Frank, This isnt April 1st yet, so could this joke be true????

Paul, welcome to the big stage, you are the best present I could think of, for the GOP !!!

Anonymous said...

Catanzaro running again for Mayor? LOL
Campaign Manager Joe Harper moved out of New Britain, to Berlin,,,how serious a manager would he be???

Anonymous said...

A dynamic duo! Paul C. for mayor and Joe Harper for his campaign manager. This has to be a setup designed to make sure O'Brien really has no challenge in a primary; who would tend the baby?

Am I awake yet?

Anonymous said...

From garbage picker to the mayor's office. There's a real good move for the city, putting it in the hands of a guy whose professional career is picking up garbage in the park.

Anonymous said...

if he is elected, just imagine how many lunch breaks he will be able to take!

Anonymous said...

Prior to last November's election, Paul Catanzaro was castigated in these columns. Everything was negative and probably the truth. However, he went on to become the highest vote getter. If he is so ludicrous, why doesn't everyone know this or don't they care?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Prior to last November's election, Paul Catanzaro was castigated in these columns. Everything was negative and probably the truth. However, he went on to become the highest vote getter. If he is so ludicrous, why doesn't everyone know this or don't they care?

March 4, 2011 5:42 PM"

The last sentence in the post above both asks and answers a question; People just don't care as long as he's a "D" and gets endorsed by the DTC and the WFP.

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