Friday, March 4, 2011

Newington's Mayor Jeff Wright Expected To Resign Monday -


Anonymous said...

Several sources said Wright had accepted a job in Texas.

Apparently Wright got the message from Malloy's budget and he is moving to a responsible state with no income taxes, no business taxes and no unions.

How many more mayors will Danno drive out of our state with his socialist agenda.

Way to go Danny Boy.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Wright for leaving, especially after seeing Malloy's destructive tax increases.

Wright is making a good choice in moving his business to Texas where he will never again have to worry about paying personal income taxes and there are no business taxes in Texas either. Texas actually encourages business instead of destroying them like our Democrats--imagine that--encouraging business!

Wright will not have to deal with unions either since it is a right to work state, and he will be pretty much free of Democrats, since most elections in Texas are between Republicans and Libertarians. That's right, there is normally no such thing as a Democrat on the ticket!

In Texas, Democrats are practically extinct.

What a great place it must be to live!

Anonymous said...

We will be losing many more intelligent people in this state.

Best wishes to Jeff and his family.

Texas Ted said...

From the direction these loons in the capitol are trying to take this state, it appears most of the intelligence has already leftfor sensible states like Texas, South Carolina etc.

No wonder Texas is rated as the best state in virtually every category.

Texas: best state to run a business in.

Connecticut: 49th out of 50 in the same report, but the liberal loons make fun of Texas even though Texas is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state.

Anonymous said...

Texas has one big difference: no state employee unions--they are barred by law, so they have reasonably paid state workers who can actually be fired if they don't perform.

Imagine that: state workers who are held accountable?

Aunt Sally said...

I don't think I will ever understand liberals and their contempt for anyone who is successful and actually has money. Basically a hate for anyone who doesn't live off bleeding others for their existence.

If you read the comments posted on some of the liberal socialist blogs regarding Mayor Jeff Wright moving to Texas, liberals are celebrating. The comments are similar to when liberals were celebrating Rush Limbaugh taking his $880 million salary and 240 employees of his broadcast network and moving them all out of New York--taking the millions in income tax they all paid with them.

I will never understand why liberals think it is a good thing whenever they drive rich people out of the area. Without rich people to work hard and pay all those taxes liberals love to force on them, who would pay for all their socialist programs?

It must be some sort of mental defect.

Karl the Communist said...

It was not that long ago when Jeff had his cash cop political lawn signs around, now he has seen the writing on the wall. There will be no state job for you Mr.Wright the GOP is dead in CT, so abandon your town and head down to the lone star
State with those other wackos

Anonymous said...

These liberals just keep getting more and more full of themselves as they continue to dominate elections in this state. Wait until all they have left is themselves? What will they possibly do without the brains and workers to provide for them? They will have to resort to eating their own.

Anonymous said...

Good question. What will liberals do without Republicans to work hard and pay all those taxes to support their failed policies?

Certainly there are few Democrats working to pay those taxes since most are surviving on a free ride provided by the working class--Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Connecticut is the land of empty buildings while Texas is the land of opportunity.

Anonymous said...

AND Newington replaces a Repbulican Mayor with another Republican. What a novel idea New Britain.

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