Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Proposal That No One’s Talking About. - Mark Boughton - Connecticut News

"Malloy giving away your tax money."


The Thorn said...

Democrats have been using this little trick for years as a format to accomplish their socialist redistribution of wealth through turning the tax department into a welfare agency by sending out "tax refunds" to people who never paid a dime in taxes in the first place.

According to Malloy this is going to fix the economy by giving these people free money to spend--to supposedly drive our economy. In other words, it is his version of a stimulus program like the dismal failures of stimulus plans attempted by our socialist-in-chief--Obama.

The only problem with this socialist redistribution plan of Malloys is that he fails to understand that before you can redistribute this free money, you must first seize it from someone who earned it, thereby devastating the economy through massive new taxes on the very people who create most of the jobs. The end result is less jobs because you seize the capital they would have used to create them in the first place!

History proves that this is just one more socialist plan that is doomed to failure.

Perhaps our dyslexic Governor is reading his history book backwards?

Anonymous said...

He simply believes that these people deserve your money more than you did.

After all, you have a lot of nerve expecting to have more money than someone who doesn't work and sits on the front porch drinking beer that the state bought them. They deserve everything you have simply for being born!

Anonymous said...

it isn't free money that fell from the sky?

Anonymous said...

When tax rates are reduced, the economy's growth rate improves and living standards increase.

History tells us that tax revenues grow and "rich" taxpayers pay more tax when tax rates are SLASHED. This means lower income citizens bear a lower share of the tax burden--a consequence that should lead class-warfare Democrats to support lower tax rates.

Conversely, periods of higher tax rates are associated with sub par economic performance and stagnant tax revenues. In other words, when politicians attempt to soak the rich, the rest of us take a bath.

However, Democrats care little about helping people or fixing the economy. Their goal is simply to keep more people depending on their government handouts, and in turn vote for Democrats to keep their gravy train running. The last thing any Democrat wants is for someone to lift himself up and no longer depend on government subsidy.

In conclusion, the bath we are all taking is intended to keep Democrats in power at the expense of all of us.

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