Friday, April 8, 2011

378 State Retirees Collected Pensions Exceeding $100,000 In 2010, Report Says -


Roseanna said...

"Make Me Sick!"

Anonymous said...

Wait until Calhoun retires, then you can start a list of retired state employees collecting more than $1 million a year in state pensions, money that that taxpayers must fund for the rest of his life and then if he chooses the survivor option, then you will pay it to his wife for the rest of her life too!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Geno, or the other coaches UConn is paying more than a million dollar salary to.

There are many who are state employees who will get a pension exceeding $1 million for the rest of their lives, but nobody has a problem with paying out all that tax money simply because they are coaches.

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