He immediately mentioned the bussway, citing that there will be ridership which will alleviate traffic on I-84 during rush hours. He also said that the rail system would be a good thing for New Britain, but pointed out it would cost billions of dollars. He noted that Former Governor Rowland hatched this plan [the Bussway] but fails to admit it on his own radio show.
The Mayor cited that the city is enjoying a double A bond rating and said that a recent memorandum claiming otherwise is hogwash.
Malloy is suggesting to cut the pilot program costing up to $1,000,000 to the city's taxpayers.
He also mentioned that the Main street area will be closed for a weekend in September for the October-fest celebration.
The mayor discussed the Board of Education request for more funding with their annual increase of $10,500,000 .
Regarding the pinnacle Heights project, he said he is attempting to arrange 3 acres for the Hospital For Special Care out the 69 acres.
Captain Paventi showed the attendees the two Fidelco dogs sold to the police department for a sum of $1.06 each and will be undergoing training at the state police barracks in Meriden.
The PRYTKO_JANUS AWARD was presented to Mr. Elmo Aiudi.
The COPA had, at their last board meeting, decided to donate $1,000 to the police department for the maintenance of the dogs.
Nicholas Mercier was clear, as the city's finance chairman, that they cut all that could be cut however that the mayor did have his turn making his cuts.
Submitting his proposal to the council next Wednesday, the Mayor blames the school board for their annual pie in the sky request with not enough state funding allocated for them.
Susan Kniep, a former mayor of East Hartford, Ct. was very direct with her comments citing that the activists are taking money out your pockets for the benefit of the public employees and their pensions, which will bankrupt our state. She has asked Gov. Malloy to freeze the state employees' wages. She also cited that if the non-profits accept federal and state funds their registers should be opened for public scrutiny.
At its annual Sunday's Meeting of the Citizens Property Owners Association (CPOA) of New Britain, CT, we taxpayers viewed the excellent computer generated visual presentation of the 2011 New Britain City Budget presented by Finance Board Chairman Nicholas Mercier; plus comments by CPOA President Mike Wanik, comments by New Britain Mayor Tim Stewart and Susan Kniep, President of the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayers Organizations.
Section 8.3 of The CPOA By-Laws states:
SECRETARY, The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and notify the membership of all such meetings; maintain a current membership list; retain a copy of the Articles of Association, CPOA Constitution and CPOA By-Laws; conduct all routine correspondence at the direction of the Executive Board.
1.- The CPOA Constitution Ordained July 7, 1924.
2.- The CPOA Articles of Association - Incorporated May 24, 1929.
3.- The CPOA By-Laws Revised May 20, 1999.
The New Britain CPOA was founded in 1924 when several property owners and businessmen bonded to keep abreast of city government spending. By charter, CPOA shall foster, encourage and promote interest in all activities of local, state and regional agencies by local taxpayer groups as those activities affect the taxpayers of New Britain and the State of Connecticut; also to develop and establish an agenda in support of certain legislative initiatives which would affect greater economy, efficiency and effectiveness in our state and municipal governments and disseminate information regarding such state and regional agency activities and legislative initiatives to the state’s and New Britain’s taxpayers.
The New Britain CPOA was founded in 1924 when several property owners and businessmen bonded to keep abreast of city government spending. By charter, CPOA shall foster, encourage and promote interest in all activities of local, state and regional agencies by local taxpayer groups as those activities affect the taxpayers of New Britain and the State of Connecticut; also to develop and establish an agenda in support of certain legislative initiatives which would affect greater economy, efficiency and effectiveness in our state and municipal governments and disseminate information regarding such state and regional agency activities and legislative initiatives to the state’s and New Britain’s taxpayers.
Nicholas Mercier did give an impressive presentation on the New Britain City Budget.
It is with delight that he has announced his candidacy for the Board of Education in this year's upcoming municipal election. Combined with his experience as an educator and as chairman of New Britain's Finance Board, he is well qualified...
Best wishes Mr. Mercier :)
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