Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Council Socialists Have Started November's Campaign


Mayor Stewart announced his proposed budget, and I am not attempting to take away any meaning to his announcement but I couldn't help but notice the immediate attack from the Democrats.

President Pro-Tempore Trueworthy could hardly wait for the mayor to complete his report to begin his attack on the mayor's budget proposals.      Trueworthy asked many questions, but the mayor was quick to point out that Trueworthy had sixty days, along with his council membership, to submit the council's budget.

That wasn't enough to have it just end there.     Next Alderman Carlozzi began November's political campaign by asking childish questions regarding a private report submitted to council members by City Finance Director Mr. Curry.     This private report soon became publicized with Carlozzi demanding to know who told the finance director to place the names of the spouse's within the report since they were not members of the council and that the motion was for the transparency of the council members who are doing business with the city, apparently wanting to keep secret who the spouses of council members work for and what their incomes are. 
      Carlozzi's tirade went on for several minutes until laughter erased the tenseness surrounding the council chambers when Alderman Pabon offered "I didn't know my wife made that much money."

Needless to say it wasn't enough for the Democrats to accept the sad report made by the mayor without taking advantage of an opportunity to besmirch the two aldermen that the original so-called transparency resolution attacked.    Mayoral Candidate Paul Catanzarro join in the fray, supporting the public opionion that the campaign is started.     I'm sure that the radical Working Families Party must have been proud of the childish antics of the Democratic candidates they will no doubt endorse.


Anonymous said...

Carlozzi is showing himself to be just another one of little mack's radical extremists!

Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd see the day when Carlo Carlozzi joined with the Dumbocrats in his attack on the Republican cpuncilmembers and their spouses. I thought he had more sense then the others!! Next thing you know, they will try and get Willy's wife included in the teacher layoffs! );

Anonymous said...

Carlozzi was probaly responding to Alderman Trueworthy calling him a Mayor sympathizer.

Anonymous said...

Carlozzi has shown he has no sense and is simply a puppet for the radicals who have hijacked our party.

Anonymous said...

In order to have sense, someone first must have a brain. Comrade Carlozzi has demonstrated he is short in both departments.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Stalin would have been proud of this communist cell!

Paul Revere said...

I was watching channel 30 news and they had a story about 650 civil war soldiers flocking to New Britain. My first impression was that they were coming to New Britain to take the city council back from the communists, but then the story indicated it was only an enactment in Stanley Quarter Park. I guess we are stuck with the communists, at least until election day!

Anonymous said...

Carlozi wasn't the only mushbrain embarassing the city with his ignorance, Trulyworthless kept carrying on about there being enough money to give the school board whatever they want when city employees are being asked to make serious sacrifices, Trulyworthless seems to think Teachers should be exempt from sharing in the sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect campaign slogan for the next election:


Anonymous said...

Paul Revere said...

I was watching channel 30 news and they had a story about 650 civil war soldiers flocking to New Britain. My first impression was that they were coming to New Britain to take the city council back from the communists, but then the story indicated it was only an enactment in Stanley Quarter Park. I guess we are stuck with the communists, at least until election day!


Anonymous said...

On the photo of the mayor's budget address to the council displayed on the City Journal Web site, there is an alderman in the background who clearly appears to be sleeping during the mayor's address. Does anyone know which of the Democrooks that might be that cares so little about our city's financial situation that he is sleeping during such and important meeting?

Anonymous said...

The only thing that Carlosi has done right since he's been on the council is...errrrr..ummmmm.... aaaahh... NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Is "Carlosi" related to "Pelosi"?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
On the photo of the mayor's budget address to the council displayed on the City Journal Web site, there is an alderman in the background who clearly appears to be sleeping during the mayor's address. Does anyone know which of the Democrooks that might be that cares so little about our city's financial situation that he is sleeping during such and important meeting?

April 15, 2011 10:13 PM"

That is Mike "Trulyworthless" Trueworthy. He looks to be reading, not sleeping. The usual sleepers are Centeno and Platosh.

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