Sunday, April 10, 2011

GOP won this budget battle, but fierce fights still to come - The New Haven Register (


Anonymous said...

I don't see how anyone could say that the Republicans won. They sold their soles to the devil (Democrats) by agreeing to keep funding abortions to the tune of $20 billion of our tax dollars--just to keep a government running that no one would even notice was closed.

Anonymous said...

Today's Courant describes a state that was bitterly divided 150 years ago.

Not much has changed in 150 years. The country is bitterly divided between the Democrats who expect to live their entire lives for free off the rest of us, and the other side is the rest of us that are being expected to pay for the free ride that Democrats seem to believe that they are entitled to simply for being born.

Anonymous said...

Last time we checked Boehner was the Speaker of the House, not the Majority Leader...and people wonder why the newspaper industry is failing?

Perhaps shoddy reporting is part of the editing problem...a little research combined with some editing helps the story development - Who, What, Where, When and How?

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