Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mayor Stewart briefs fiscal conservative group on budget - The New Britain Herald (

Nick Mercier & Susan Kniep comments


Anonymous said...

At its annual Sunday's Meeting of the Citizens Property Owners Association (CPOA) of New Britain, CT, we taxpayers viewed the excellent computer generated visual presentation of the 2011 New Britain City Budget presented by Finance Board Chairman Nicholas Mercier; plus comments by CPOA President Mike Wanik, comments by New Britain Mayor Tim Stewart and Susan Kniep, President of the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayers Organizations.

Section 8.3 of The CPOA By-Laws states: SECRETARY, The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and notify the membership of all such meetings; maintain a current membership list; retain a copy of the Articles of Association, CPOA Constitution and CPOA By-Laws; conduct all routine correspondence at the direction of the Executive Board.

1.- The CPOA Constitution Ordained July 7, 1924.

2.- The CPOA Articles of Association - Incorporated May 24, 1929.

3.- The CPOA By-Laws Revised May 20, 1999.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with Susan Kniep that Wisconsin is doing the right thing to turn their state around, while at the same time, we have a socialist in the governor's office that is intentionally pushing more of the same liberal policies that put our state in the worst financial condition of all 50 states.

Since insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different outcome, can we then assume that our new governor is insane?

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