Friday, April 29, 2011

Obama’s “Nixonian” moment?


Anonymous said...

Trump is wasting his time on birth certificates etc. He should be all over the culprits in government for rolling over and playing dead while the fraud gravy train rolls on. What will it take for these clowns to act another 9.11? Their bribes must be huge to toe the line on the huge fraud that is eradicating American tech professional workforce.

Anonymous said...

you mean like massive fraud and waste like the $933 billion busway fantasy where we spend $933 billion to build it and get reimbursed only $245 million, and only if and when the Republicans in Congress approve this deal sometime in the future after we spend the $90 million we just decided to borrow at huge interest rates?

Fraud and waste like that?

Anonymous said...

B.O. and his Master, Soros, are intent on destroying the country we call America.

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