Monday, April 11, 2011

O’Brien: City shouldn’t lose seats on Mattabassett board: The Herald


Anonymous said...

I notice no one seems to be asking where the $100 million is going to come from?

Lou Salvio said...

" The Herald continues to prove that is bends so far to the left that it is almost falling over. This is not so much true in articles written by visiting contributors but rather by the Herald's continued pandering to fakers like Tim O'Brien.
The NB Common Council and the Mayor received this "news" on 3/22/11 as did the other towns involved. It has been discussed and been written about before.
Now, here comes mayoral candidate, O'Brien, like "Mighty Mouse, to save the day." Why The Herald continues to give this faker so much press is astounding and disgusting. Why not wait and see what the CT General Assembly - the GA makes the decision - does with this issue and see how the New Britain delegation votes?
Recall also that it was O'Brien and DeFronzo that led the "squashing" by the legislature of selling of useless NB Water Department land to Tilcon that could have earned New Britain, $15 million.
Members of the NB Common Council have been against this idea from day one; not the idea of bringing in Middletown but the idea of NB shouldering most of the financial burden while awarding all the towns equal representation on the MDC Board.
Scott Whipple should find out where that idea originated! "

Anonymous said...

Scott Whipple is not going to do as you suggest and investigate a story before writing it. To do that might result in a story that doesn't support his liberal extremist candidate, and that is all this paper seems to be about, supporting radical extremist Democrats for office.

If you doubt me, look at what happened to Mr. Craven as soon as he reported some dirt on a Democrat!

Since they have the freedom to write what they want, the only way to address their Pravda style reporting is to not spend your hard earned money buying their rag.

Anonymous said...

I suppose O'Brien doesn't see any problem with giving a convicted felon control of over $100 million of our tax money?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Mr. O'Brien likes it that the chairman of the Mattabassett, a New Britain appointee, is working directly against him on this issue by deliberately trying to give away New Britain's seats on the board?

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