Monday, April 25, 2011

President “Necessarily Skyrocket” Obama Baffled by Rising Gas Prices


Anonymous said...

He could run on the slogan "promises made, promises kept" because he promised you $5 a gallon gas prices during the election, you accepted his promise, and he delivered!

Anonymous said...

this photo is backwards. everyone is supposed to bow to the Messiah!

Anonymous said...

just keep voting for Democraps!

Anonymous said...

The same person who promised to bankrupt coal plants and cause electricity prices to “necessarily skyrocket” as a candidate would have us believe that he has nothing to do with Americans paying $4 or more a gallon at the gas pump now that he is President. According to Obama, it’s all a mystery to him.

Anonymous said...

Obama does not KNOW what he is doing. He has never run a lemonade stand! Suzie for president!

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