Monday, April 11, 2011

Rep. Tim O'Brien's Claims

smith photo


The facts as I understand it was the hard work of another Tim our city's current Mayor and that O'Brien is currently vying for that office as a candidate.

 Therefore he must make claim to doing all the good for this city when in fact he has been against prospering city businesses with his picketing not once but twice against a firm that employed in excess of one hundred city residents that was forced out of the city. A well known firm known to all, The Wal Mart store on Farmington Avenue, which remains vacant since their exiting.

Mayor Stewart, in the same Courant article cited that he and Ms. Carol Martin of the Konover firm have been working on this project from day one.

It is a well known fact that O'Brien, Alderman Paul Catanzarro and former Alderman Phil Sherwood were involved in the picketing against this employer.

As you may recall this blog did comment at the time as follows:

A Responsible Corporation :

Why did Representatives Tim O’Brien, D-24th District and Peter Tercyak, D-26th District who were also joined by Alderman Catanzaro, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 371 Brian Petronella, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal with more than 20 blue-shirted protestors from the Working Families.

John Green, the director of the Working families indicated that the rally was called because of corporate greed exhibited by Wal-Mart and a threat to deprive workers of severance pay.

THE NEED FOR THIS UNWARRANTED DISPLAY WAS ONLY TO SURE UP O’BRIEN’S CANDIDACY FOR THE UP-COMING ELECTIONS. Wal-Mart has always been a responsible identity throughout the USA. Why would they endanger their image with the buying public?

Do I need to say more?

I am submitting a picture that will be sufficient for all readers to ascertain the foregoing as being fact.


Anonymous said...

Was he part of the bunch of radicals that protested at wal-Mart demanding Puerto Rican managers, the protests that apparently drove Wal-Mart to abandon New Britain?

If so, maybe we could name that parking lot on Farmington Avenue with the weeds growing through the pavement the "Tim O'Brien Parking Lot" which serves an empty building thanks to these liberal anti-business lunatic Democrats!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you don't have a photo of him shoving that homely baby into someone's face during the protest.

Anonymous said...

looks like a communist disaster to me

Lou Salvio said...

As for the baby, don't think she was born yet. More to the issue; so far, the two announced candidates for Mayor from the Democratic Party in NB are, Alderman Paul Catanzaro and State Rep. Tim O'Brien. Also mentioned are Lucian Pawlak and Ken Malinowski though neither one has announced. Let's see what the two announced candidates have to offer NB voters.

Lifelong NB resident Catanzaro who "works" for the NB Parks and Rec. Dept., has been cited by the NB Board of Ethics for violations and has been suspended without pay for numerous work ethic violations. The Democrat controlled Common Council took no action on his violations. Catanzaro is engaged to Larry Hermanowski's daughter. Catanzaro's claim to fame is that he was high vote getter among Council candidates in 2009. Educational or experiential qualifications to be Mayor, NONE! But, then again, none are required. Claims to have enough DTC votes to be endorsed by the Dems.

O'Brien is a carpetbagger from Manchester. Has served for a couple of years as a NB Common Council member and has served as a NB State Rep. since 2002. His claim to fame? NONE! Education, who knows? Until a year ago, never owned NB property - not a taxpayer. Has not had one significant piece of legislation that is pro NB passed in 9 years. Has never held a "real" job. Is known for knocking on doors, gladhanding and, lately, using his year old baby as a prop when gladhanding the public - disgusting (writer's opinion).

O'Brien teamed with the State Sen. Don Defronzo to block the sale of useless NB Water Dept. watershed land. Result? Loss of $15 million for the
city of NB.

O'Brien engineered the demise/loss of minority party representation in NB in 2002. Result? The current one-party rule in NB.

Both Catanzaro and O'Brien teamed with now US Sen. Blumenthal, Phil Sherwood and others and drove WalMart out of NB. Result? Loss of jobs for NB residents.

Now, O'Brien wants credit for the Corbin Heights/ Pinnacle Heights Extension Project that was announced in today's Herald. Clearly, O'Brien is a charlatan and a political diletante/prostitute. He should be tarred and feathered and carried in a cart by ... of NB (paraphrased from "Skipper Ireson's Ride"). Democrats, be careful what you wish for, you may get it! O'Brien has no worthwhile public service portfolio and is an exemplar of the term, carpetbagger.

Anonymous said...

"The Homely Baby Claim is rude". I will say however that as a woman
who raised four children, there was never a work relationship that permitted me to have my children present and conduct business and get paid for my job at the same time. Advance a decade later and we have an elected official parading his daughter all over town on the taxpayer's dime for
political gain and it is disgusting. Tim O'Brien should be ashamed. And, should he, God forbid ever be elected as Mayor of New Britain, be certain that running a daycare in the Mayor's office will NOT be easily arranged.

Anonymous said...

Catanzaro is probably the first trash picker to ever run for mayor, and I'm sure his life experiences of picking up garbage (when he is not committing ethics violations) has made him eminently qualified to be the CEO of a $220 million organization. Perhaps if he loses to slimy palms O'Brien, O'Brien can assign him to empty the diaper pail in the mayor's office?

A concerned citizen said...

O'Brien claims he wants economic development in New Britain..great way to show it, Timmy...forcing a national retail employer out of town who was dong well here isn't a way to show your commitment to either economic development or affordable retail business in New Britain.
This reminds me of a possible rumor not too many years ago regarding Corbin Heights...seems that the Hospital for Special Care offered to purchase Corbin Heights and pay for it's demolition to make way fo a Special Olympics complex...this would have been great for bringing people into NB to spend money, as well as employ more people. Who put the kabosh on that one? Current State Senator DeFronzo, O'Brien's buddy? Makes me wonder if DeFronzo is the baby's Godfather!

Anonymous said...

This was only the 2nd time in Wal-mart history that the company has ever closed a store--other than simply moving it to a new location within the same town.

The first time was when the employees at a Canadian store voted to unionize. The company issued a statement saying that they could not continue to make a profit with a union in place, they closed the store and all the new union thugs were laid off by the end of the month--case closed.

The 2nd time was when Democrats who were elected to represent Wal-mart as a taxpaying member of the community, instead formed radical protests outside their store demanding that the managers of the New Britain store be Puerto Ricans. Instead of promoting Puerto Ricans as their elected officials were demanding (all Democrats) Wal-mart issued a statement saying that the store was losing money and shuttered it by the end of that month. It is still sitting their vacant almost 2 years later!

It is nice to know that New Britain is making history by being only the second city to ever be abandoned by the world's largest employer!

I guess we should thank our local Democratic delegation by helping New Britain accomplish such a milestone--especially for the 150 people who lost their jobs at the hands of these Democrats!

Anonymous said...

I loved it when Alderman Salvio referred to O'Brien as a prostitute!

How appropriate for such a carpetbagging phony.

Anonymous said...

It must be a real accomplishment for the Democrats to have transformed New Britain into the largest city in Connecticut to not have a Walmart--especially since they represent the evil empire of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

looks like a bunch of commies!

Anonymous said...

Certainly a bunch of Obamabots!

Anonymous said...

Has Tom O'Brien and company found a business to replace Wal-Mart, who will hire Puerto Ricans? Will the hired Puerto Ricans speak English?

Anonymous said...

I thought that the purpose of their radical protects was to demand that all Walmart managers speak Spanish?

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone in this photo that ever performed an honest day's work in their entire lifetime?

Anonymous said...

Mr. John McNamara’s recent editorial, criticizing the Herald for disapproving of his Democratic Common Council member’s support for passing a resolution seeking to obtain monthly reports of city payments to any elected official’s business, is a lame attempt at deflecting mounting public disgust with his party’s demeanor and performance.

As a former alderman who served with at least half the current Democrats on the common council, I watch with incredulity how their whisper campaign has been smearing the good names of two very successful colleagues who happen to own businesses in town. As any one of them could tell you, given an unguarded moment of candor, all work done for the city in excess of $3,000 is put out to bid and is reported back to the council by the Purchasing Dept. With the names of all businesses who submitted a bid for the job to be performed. It shows every company’s bid amount along with the Purchasing Dept.’s recommendation going to the lowest responsible bidder. The council, not the mayor, then makes the final determination of selecting the winning bidder. Important fact: If a city vendor is not the lowest bid received but is within 5% – 10% (depending on job type) they are given the chance to win the job if they agree to meet the lowest bidder’s price. This allowance has been at the forefront of both political parties efforts in the past decade to support local businesses by giving them a hometown advantage. To now complain as the Democrats do that these jobs are suspiciously being awarded to local businesses who just happen to be Republican aldermen, and worse to feign not knowing who is winning these bids and who the city is paying on a monthly basis stretches their credibility beyond the breaking point. It is factually and thoroughly dishonest and reeks of gutter politics.

As for Mr. McNamara’s claim that the Stewart administration has been somehow violating city ethics, he really should take a good look in the mirror. In the same six year period he makes his accusation there have been four complaints made to the city’s Ethics Commission. One of them, brought against the mayor by him and members of his Democratic Party, found the mayor exonerated and cleared of all charges. Conversely, the other three complaints resulted in findings of ethics violations of two past Democratic aldermen plus a current one who just announced his candidacy for mayor. What did the Democrats on the council, those supposed champions of purity and clean government, do about these violations? Nothing! No reprimand, no censure, not even a stern lecture to their violators within about playing by the rules. And now we are to believe Mr. McNamara when he shamelessly and falsely accuses the mayor of ethical deficiencies? To that I say: The Emperor has no clothes, sir!

Mayor Stewart’s tenure in office has been marked by non-stop political grandstanding and subterfuge from Mr. McNamara and his band of aldermanic accomplices. Voters who have been watching the Democratic Party circus that has become common council meetings would do well to remember their repulsive and conniving behavior in November and replace them with others who can actually follow the Democrat’s stated creed of honesty in government.

Peter Gostin

Anonymous said...

Democrats will not like the very first report of what the city paid and to whom. The report will be presented at tonight's Council Meeting.
Now, to add to their chutzpah, Council Democrats will try to vote in, Carlos Pina, at tonight's Council meeting for thseat on the BOE vacated by Robert Sanchez. Pina's wife is a teacher in the NB Public Schools. Is anybody surprised?

No conflict of interests here?????

Anonymous said...

The whole situation with that rally at WalMart a few months ago was/is apalling...I was surprised that then Attorney General Blumenthal participated in such a fiasco. WalMart is just the right type of retail establishment for a city such as New Britain...quality merchandise at affordable prices. Makes me wonder if the rally paticipants own stock in Target, a competitor of WalMart.
As for O'Brien's baby, she is not a homely baby..she's rather cute. I do disapprove of his carting the baby all over the state...

Peter Gostin's comments are right on..keep up the good commentary's Peter...

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