Saturday, April 9, 2011


The old adage that history repeats itself can only be reminded that the city of Hartford and New Britain have similar repeats in history with Hartford’s former Mayor Dominic Deluca, who was garbage truck driver became the city’s mayor, and now in New Britain has an announced Democratic candidate for Mayor, whom is a park and recreation worker, fulfills the similarity in the two cities histories.

Mayor Deluca to my recollection never had ethics charges brought against him but New Britain’s aspirer to the mayor’s office had charges brought against him by the city’s ethics commission with the Democratic controlled council membership paying no heed to the sanction.

The Democrats have continually demonstrated their shady mode of operation because they have the votes.

frank smith


Anonymous said...

The question rises...Paul Catanzaro is far from a Rhodes Scholar and he has ethical issues. His time on the job is often spent at local restaurants. Why was he the highest vote getter in the last election? Yes, I know that he is very friendly guy, but we are talking MAYOR!

I don't know if Tim Stewart will run again. That is unfortunate. The longer that you are in a leadership position, the more enemies that you make. Paul or O'Brien cannot fill his shoes!

Anonymous said...

I guess the owners of all the restaurants that Catanzaro frequents on city time will be enough votes to get him elected?

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