Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WHIPPLE: Jacobs takes on new role again - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)

Trinity on Main Name Plates for sale.


Anonymous said...

I guess she was even too much of a liberal left wing extremist for the unions?

Anonymous said...

I guess she's not too liberal after all. She worked for the John McCain for President campaign!

Anonymous said...

Everyone who knew Leslie Jacobs has to wonder if Whipple has taken leave of his senses. Is there no one less deserving of an article? Are they that desperate for help at Trinity on Main with all due respect to Anne Pillar?

Anonymous said...

If you hadn’t noticed, the CT Dems have made CT a very unbusiness friendly state and are looking to make it even more unfriendly, not only for businesses, but the citizens of the state, too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sherwood is still involved in what the Herald is allowed to print?

Anonymous said...

How come every time she "volunteers" for something she ends up getting paid for one thin or another. Is it really "volunteering" or just self-promotion.

Anonymous said...

Democrats never do anything that doesn't benefit themselves--selfish.

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