Thursday, May 5, 2011

All 5 New Britain legislators back budget - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

Is anybody surprised wrote on May 5, 2011 8:15 AM:
" Did anybody think that the NB delegation would vote any other way?
Did anybody think that The Herald would not use this opportunity to make another in-kind contribution to O'Brien's campaign?

Did anybody think that O'Brien would vote against public funding of election campaigns while taxing CT residents to death?

Did anybody think that the other 4 NB members would be anything but MUTES?

Is anybody surprised? I think not! "

Anonymous said...

There's a real surprise! The liberal loons from New Britain supporting the largest tax increases in Connecticut history.

I'm shocked!

Anonymous said...

The legislators we have now might be better off in the private sector:

Jphn Geragosian, a real estate agent, could do better helping people find affordable housing.

Terzyak also has an admirable profession;;he's a nurse, and could do much for improving the health of our citizens.

Tim O'Brien could spend more time taking care of his infant daughter in an appropriate manner, instead of toting her all over timbuktu. while his wife is out there supporting the family.

Betty Boukus? She's primarily concerned with the goings on of Plainville.

Terry Gerratanna has only been in the state senate a few months after approximately 10 years absence. Hopefully, she's our last hope.

Now that Mayor Stewart has announced he will not seek re-election, maybe he will run for the legislature...offering us a glimmer of hope. We should get after the Republicans to encourage him to do so.

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