Thursday, May 19, 2011

CHRIS POWELL: ‘Fellow state employees,’ not ‘fellow taxpayers’ - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

As usual, Chris Powell is 100% accurate!

Anonymous said...

This statement sums up Malloys fantasy about his ridiculous "magic bus:"

They know only too well that the rail cars and the rails themselves are ancient, the touted new cars are nowhere to be seen, parking is scarce all along the route, passenger demand is heavy — and the Malloy administration wants to put tens of millions of dollars not into improving the mass transit service for which Connecticut has heavy demand every day but rather into a bus highway between Hartford and New Britain, for which demand is at best wildly speculative. It’s nuts.

Anonymous said...

Dan Malloy will go down in the history books as a leader who was revered by Communists everywhere.

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