Monday, May 2, 2011

Citizen’s Property Owners Association (CPOA)

Suggest you time this for Monday, May 2nd (Tax Freedom Day). Thanks.


Dear Editor;

Today, May 2nd is Tax Freedom Day in Connecticut. This means those of us working since January 1st will have earned enough money to pay our taxes for the year today. Stop and digest that: Flash back to New Years Day and realize all your sweat and toil from that first day of the year till now has all gone to pay your federal, state and local taxes.

Wait! There’s more good news! The first tax freedom day in the US was on March 26th in Mississippi. The US average was 102 days or, April 12th on the calendar. Yes, you guessed it: We’re #1!!!! Connecticut residents spend 122 days working to pay their taxes; the longest in the entire nation.

When do you think we’ll celebrate next year since Governor Malloy wants to increase our taxes again? And what about some on our Common Council will no doubt want to throw money to special interests, raising our taxes here in New Britain again. Maybe tax freedom day for us will be the end of June, six full months. That would make it easy; we’ll just mail every other paycheck to the government until they raise the taxes again.

Let’s stop the insanity. There is no more money to give. There will be even less to give when all the employers leave for friendlier pastures. Demand our politicians reduce our taxes by cutting spending. We have a spending problem; not a revenue problem.

It’s simple: tell them today you won’t vote for them in November if your taxes increase; then do just that.

Michael W. Wanik


Citizen’s Property Owners Association (CPOA)


Anonymous said...

Is it true what I heard about Cris Carillo and Phil Sherwood?

Anonymous said...

Imagine: The Liberal Democrats wnat to tax us more so they can give to the poor.

NB Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said...
Imagine: The Liberal Democrats wnat to tax us more so they can give to the poor.
May 2, 2011 10:23 AM

If they tax us any more, WE will be the poor they will be giving to!!

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