Saturday, May 14, 2011

Unions to State: Drop Dead | Connecticut Republicans |


Connecitcut becomes Communist State of America said...

The concrete wall and razor wire will be necessary to hold the citizenry captive behind the iron curtain of Connecticut socialism. Without it there will be a mass exodus fleeing to any of the remaining free states of America like South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin etc.

Anonymous said...

Every state employee I talk to says they will vote "NO" even if the givebacks amount only to a penny. Most seem to feel they don't care about their coworkers getting laid off.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what it must be like to live in a free state?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what it must be like to live in a free state?

I will soon find out, just like George W. Bush when he left Connecticut, I'm loading up my car and heading out to the wild west!

Anonymous said...

welcome to the communist state of America!

Democrats = communists!

VOTE NO! said...

Drop dead is the right answer!

This deal is totally unfair! It asks all 55,000 state employees to sacrifice to save the jobs of 4,500 junior employees who have very little time in state service. WHY SHOULD WE?

All union brothers/sisters please vote NO!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, tell that greedy governor where he can shove that ridiculous offer, because until all state employees vote to accept it, that is all it is, a ridiculous selfish offer.

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