Saturday, June 4, 2011

Paid sick leave bill passes House - The Middletown Press (

Working Families Party Backed this Bill


Anonymous said...

Just one more anti-business bill that sends the message to the rest of the country that CT is the last place anyone with a brain would consider owning a business!

Anonymous said...

As a union member, I am already guaranteed 15 sick days per year. That is in addition to my 3 weeks of paid vacation, 3 personal days and 13 paid holidays, but I usually go to work when I am sick and save my sick time for when I want to go sailing.

Why waste a perfectly good sick day for when you are sick when you can be using it to get paid to be off enjoying yourself?

Anonymous said...

Those evil rich business owners must be punished at all cost. Shame on them expecting to make a profit. Don't they realize that profit is a dirty word?

Anonymous said...

Every company that has slightly over 50 employees that will now be forced to dump a few to get under the 50 threshold should put right on their pink slips they are being fired at the order of Democrats.

If you have 55 employees, 5 just became garbage that must be eliminated to avoid this socialist takeover of your business!

Anonymous said...

To support my theory, I just found this message posted on another site:

I have 52 employees. I have no choice but to get rid of 3. I am keeping my lower seniority people because they are at lower hourly rates. I am getting rid of my higher seniority people because they make too much money and I can benefit by firing the highest paid among them. I have to be able to keep my head above water. I will sock it to them. Make warnings against them so I don't have to pay unemployment. Because they will be fired for insubordination, they will be denied unemployment benefits. This is a great state we live in.
Manufacturing jobs not effected with this bill. But if they also have clerks, drivers, and janitors they will get the sick time too.

Anonymous said...

The idiots in the State Senate have had a heck of a week - legalized drug abuse, lifetime employment rights for transgenders, mandatory sick time to chase small business out of the state. This state has become an insane asylum. There will be a price to pay for this liberal agenda. If you voted Democrat, it's your fault too.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of Malloy taking care of his union cronies, otherwise known as: Working Families Party/SEIU/ACORN/Bertha Lewis.

Malloy's former Stamford cronies are already bailing out and are headed for New York.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the people posting comments are victims of brainwashing at the hands of billionaires.

I also think a lot of these anecdotal stories are lies (i.e. I go to work sick so I can use my sick days sailing, and I have 52 employees so I'll fire the 3 older higher-paying ones).

I wish we could ban anecdotal stories out of politics. They are just exercises in trying to pull on emotional strings to try and prove your point. The left tries to pull on the emotional strings of compassion and empathy and the right tries to pull on the emotional strings of fear and patriotism.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...I personally think that the people posting comments are victims of brainwashing at the hands of billionaires.....

Oh really, you find it that hard to believe that a state employee would go to work sick so he could save his sick days for when he is well and wants a free vacation?

What state do you live in?

Anonymous said...

No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session. Why do we continue to send idiots to Hartford?

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